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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Buckminster & Amber - Bucks reads Transtomer

I can’t believe she woke me up!

I was in the middle of a very cool dream, but whatever. I’ve been reading Tomas Transformer, the Swedish Robert Frost. Another Scandinavian poet with an interest in death.
After a Death
Once there was a shock
that left behind a long, shimmering comet tail.
It keeps us inside. It makes the TV pictures snowy.
It settles in cold drops on the telephone wires.
One can still go slowly on skis in the winter sun
through brush where a few leaves hang on.
They resemble pages torn from old telephone directories.
Names swallowed by the cold.
It is still beautiful to hear the heart beat
but often the shadow seems more real than the body.
The samurai looks insignificant
beside his armor of black dragon scales.
He’s so good they named a beetle after him.
Humans are very difficult to understand.
I’m going back to my nap now.

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