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Saturday, June 15, 2019

AmsterdamingLPart 3 - The Poesenboot

The Poesenboot   (Cat Boat) is a sanctuary for stray cats in Amsterdam. Anna was tending bar at the Torenzicht and I asked her if she knew where it was, and if so, how far from the hotel.

“Not far,” she said. “I’ve been there. It’s behind Hotel Victoria, cross the canal, turn left and you’re there —ten minute walk.”
Seemed worth a shot, and I was curious—a cat-like quality. I found the place without much trouble but was fifteen minutes early and surprised to see a couple dozen people waiting to board. The door opened at 1:00, after the cats had lunch I guess. We were allowed in, five or six at a time. There was no admission charge—a nice surprise, but nothing much to see. Just cats. We’ll what did I expect? There were a couple dozen of them, some in cages, most were out. There were cat poles to climb and scratch on, fancy beds, and toys, places to climb and windows to look out of.
The cats were very well groomed, but ordinary, just cats wondering around and letting tourists adore, take photos, and pet them.
I didn’t stay long. I get enough cat petting and photos at home.  I felt a little guilty about the free admission charge and bought a cat boat button from the small souvenir counter on the way out.

Back at the hotel bar again, I’m talking to Anna about the place.
“The say you can adapt a cat,” she said. “That’s why I went there. The woman wanted to come and look at my apartment. Three visits she said, to decide if I was okay. And a lot or paper work. I finally gave it up. I think she just wants to hold on to the cats. I would have given it a good home.”

“Cat ladies,” I agree. “They don’t let go.”
“There’s also a cat museum, the Katten Kabinet.” Anna stacks some empty glasses at the bar.” They charge admission—7 Euros.”
“A cat museum? Why?” I ask.

“We have museums for everything, “she says. “Shoe museums, was museums, watch museums, an eyeglass museum, diamond museum, fashion museum, wax museum . . . We’ve got a museum for anything you can think of. “There’s also a kat museum, Katten Kabinet,” she says. “They charge 7 Euros for admission.

Going to pass on Katten Kabinet. The Maritime museum next.

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